
Box Alarm   Peace Dale Elementary School  Engine 10 with 5   Code Yellow   C-3

Possible plane crash   Wardons Pond   Special Hazards 1 with 3   Code Blue   C-2


Brush Fire  481 Kingstown Rd    Engine 10 with 6      Code Yellow   C-3

Smell of Gas  3758 Tower Hill Rd   Engine 10 with 6  Special Hazards 1 with 4   Code Yellow  C-6


Car Fire    RT 1 North   Engine 10 with 6    Code Yellow  C-7


Report of lighting hitting a house (structure fire)  South Weeden   SH1 with 6      Code Yellow C-7

Fire Alarm Activated     10 High St.    SH with 1  Engine 10 with 4    Code Blue C-3


Smell of Gas     315 Columbia St. South Kingstown High      Engine 10 with 5    Code yellow C-3


Smell of electrical burning   Rolens dr.    Engine 10 with 3     Code yellow C-3


Box Alarm Sam Rodman    Engine 10 with 4       Special Hazards 1 with 1      Code yellow C-3